July 3 – 9, 2022 Weekly Goals
Spiritual Growth and Self Development
Oil Pastel Drawing/ Sketches
French Listening Comprehension (Frenchpod101.com)
120 min+ Prayer and Meditation
Developing the Leader Within You 2.0- Summary and Notes
- Untitled Series Book 1: 10 000/80 000 words (First Draft)
- Read- Can’t Escape Love by Alyssa Cole
Article- The Fine Print Book Review
Article- Can’t Escape Love Book Review
Article- Reluctant Royals Series Review
Article- Dreadgods
Article- Black Cop’s Kid
Read- Dreadgods
Blog Post- Becoming more disciplined to reach your goals
Blog Post- Staying motivated, even when things get difficult
Blog Post- Aristotle’s Ethics
Toronto Island Duathlon 2022- Week 5 Training
- Day 1: 30 min run
- Day 2: 60 min ride
- Day 3: 30 min ride
- Day 4: 20 min run
- Day 5: 30 min ride
Day 6: Yoga - Day 7: 15 min run, 30 min ride, 15 min run
- Sunday- Math Readiness pg 44-49
- Monday- Math Readiness pg 50-63
- Tuesday- Reading Readiness pg 1-7
- Wednesday -Math Readiness pg 8-16
- Thursday- Math Readiness pg 17-23
- Friday- Math Readiness pg 24-32
- Saturday- Math Readiness pg 61-64